Truth.Love.Parent. Podcast - "The Techless Wisephone and Your Kids"

Truth.Love.Parent. Podcast - "The Techless Wisephone and Your Kids"

About the episode

Topics Covered

🖥️ The theology of technology, how tech has happened to us and affects our lives in so many ways.
📱💰 How holding a phone is like holding a million $. It contains so much power. As parents, we wouldn’t drop it all into our kids’ hands at once. But when it comes to smartphones, it’s dumped into their lives so early.
🤩 A Wisephone giveaway! Plus, what makes the phone different.

From the Podcast:

Today AMBrewster is joined by the founder of Techless, Chris Kaspar. Chris helped created the Wisephone, a device that can help you and your family glorify God with your tech use. Win a free Wisephone! Support TLP by becoming a TLP Friend!”

Our Reaction

Fun conversation with AMBrewster! We dove into how tech shapes our lives, and why discernment and wisdom with our smartphones is key.